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Mainboard Diagnostics for PC and notebook, network testing technology

Internal and external PC mainboard diagnostics, network testing technology


Trouble with your desktop PC or with your notebook?

Somehow, everything does not work as it should. You have already done a complete reinstallation of your operating system, reinstalled programs and device drivers and checked them for their relevance. Slowly suspects the suspicion that a hardware component no longer correctly provides its service.

Is maybe the memory faulty?

Can a chip on the mainboard have acknowledged the service?

Usually good advice is expensive. But not with us.

We have the mainboard diagnostic cards that allow you to check your motherboard. Even if the error is found at the end of a different component of your PC or notebook: a mainboard diagnostics can be used to quickly eliminate a variety of possible sources of error. And this will save you something important:

Your precious time.

With a mainboard diagnosis you can check the main board, also known as a motherboard or motherboard, for a variety of possible errors. And this within a few seconds. We have the diagnosis cards for your mainboard diagnosis, for a variety of mainboard types, whether it is a desktop PC or a notebook.

Please check before purchase a mainboard diagnostic card,

Which slots or connections are available for the mainboard test card. Then find a suitable diagnostic card for your mainboard from our offer. We would be pleased to assist you in the selection by telephone.

Network and power supply testing

In addition to the mainboard diagnostics cards, we also carry PC test equipment for the network and cables, including, for example, various RS232 testers, as well as PC test devices for testing ATX power supplies and USB connections. You can also purchase signal generators for monitoring monitors.