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Mechanical calculation machines

Computers are now present in all areas of our work and private life, their handling has become so normal that they are no longer indispensable. Finally, it is already 30 years ago that the home computers (in the 80s) have conquered the living rooms, which made the use of computers even in the private sphere quite self-evident for broad population strata.

But there was also a time when all the tasks that today are assumed by computers of various types and sizes had to be solved in a different suitable way. And there have always been resourceful minds who have found ingenious solutions.

Computers, strictly speaking, are nothing but electronic computing machines. What would be the topic. Calculations, in particular price calculations, have always been an indispensable task for traders, which in any case had to be solved as quickly and precisely as possible.


For the development of the computing machines

Probably the oldest known computing device is the abacus. Abaci can be found in a wide range of sizes and designs, ranging from toys to (at the time) professional calculators. At least from the standpoint, the abacus is certainly well known to everyone. The first abacus finds date back approx. 4500 years. In Eastern European countries, the abacus was the most common tool to add up to the shops in the shops until the 2000s. Anyone who has bought a trip to Russia in the GUM department store in Moscow has been able to experience the abacus in absolute perfection. Well trained salespeople often achieved an almost incredible skill and speed.

The development of mechanical computing machines began in the 17th century. It was only from about 1850 onwards that rattling machines were produced in serial production. Such adding machines (or else twinning machines for addition and subtraction) have been used singly until the 2000s millennium turn. In addition to the table equipment, there were also very small and handy versions such as the machines of the Resulta series. Their coronation, however, reached the production of mechanical computing devices with the extremely small pocket calculator Curta in a round form, an Austrian development, which was produced up to the 1970s. In addition to all four basic disciplines, the Curta has even three-point and root calculations.

In addition to the purely mechanical calculation systems, electromechanical adding machines also became increasingly established after the electrical current was discovered. Nevertheless, mechanical computing machines continued to be used almost equally, since they could be used completely independently of the location without having to rely on a current connection.



Offers in this category

In this category, they mainly find mechanical computing machines from the second half of the 20th century, some also electromechanical versions. We can also offer older models from time to time. Depending on the availability, differently designed computing devices such as abacus, slide rule, rake disc and other special constructions are also available for performing basic calculus. Many of the computational apparatuses available are very formal testimonies of development; Most are in best condition and fully functional. Please pay attention to the article description, which is supplemented by several full views and detailed illustrations for each offer.