Controller Boards
Controllers are electronic computer components that control certain operations. Controllers manage a variety of computer tasks: Among other things, the keyboard input processing or control access to the hard disk. Controller are also components which be responsible for the hard drive connection (eg IDE controllers). Controller are housed on the motherboard or expansion cards.
We offer you controller for the 4 slots ISA, PCI, PCIe and PCIx.

ISA is an older standard for IBM-compatible PCs. A 8 and 16-bit version is available.
PCI is a still widely used bus standard and available in different versions. Most controllers use this connection. The biggest advantage of the PCI bus is the dynamic configuration of devices. Also PCI cards are hot-pluggable.
PCI Express (PCIe)

PCI Express (PCIe or short) is an evolution / the successor to the PCI ports. It also offers the most benefits from its predecessor and offers, depending on generation, a significantly higher data transfer rate. The PCIe connector is available in different generations (PCIe 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) and width variations (including x1, x2, x4, x8, x16, x32 or mini-PCIe). The different width variations are each backward compatible, so a PCIe x1 card will fit in an slot x2, but not reverse.
PCI eXtended (PCIx)

PCI eXtended (or short PCIx) is a PCI standard specifically for servers and server applications. In home computers this standard does not occur. It is available in two versions: PCIx 1.0 and 2.0.
You will find in our shop plenty of controller. The main two controller types are:
Through these controllers you will receive additional internal and external connections. For example, USB (1.0, 2.0, 3.0), eSATA, serial ports and printer ports.
With these controllers you can, for example, build a RAID system (organization of several hard drives of a computer) or simply connect new disks to your computer. In our shop you can find, for example, controller for SATA2, SATA3, mSATA and NGFF M.2. Of course, we also still have disk controllers for older standards such as IDE or the Server Standard SCSI on stock. More information about hard drives can be found on the Guides page created for this purpose.